Friday, October 3, 2008

arrival of aryayians

Aryayians Sincere about s c 2000 years. M. in form small phylums in the remotest points plateau east and west Iran’s Pamir plateau and some believe that they in north of Hend o Kish mountains “collusion, or in Russia Around Aral lake lived. They language and customs were common. In the ancient Iranian and hindu tribes(them that hindu language and Iranian speak)
Patterns of this suggestion s can be seen in Avesta, epigraph Achaemenid aggravation and ancient Hindu (like Rigoda) see
Later, ahead of its members, these tribes were forced to emigrate from the east and west and south and their Kocz. . The main reason for their immigration is not clear, but it seems difficult conditions of water, air and lack of pasture, of the reasons for it. Immigration Aryanisation s to
The first Aryayians came to Iran that includes Kasiha (Kantuha tile s), and Lolobian and Gutian. Kasiha civilization based on that today we are in the name of civilization Silk world’s hill. Lolobian and Gutian also in central Zagros residence later by the arrival of US
Torany and also the Scythians Aryan tribes that were from the north to land in Iran. These peoples civilization lower than the other peoples of Aryan. A group of the Scythians Caucasus inside Iran found their way,first in hillside of Zagros Mountains took place. But later went to sextant and land on the center of civilization, the Great (Burnt City Zabol’s). Most of the Shahnameh legend, debauchery among people and their land that sextant and later was called Sisitan happened.
Vazheh aria meaning free, honest and honorable gives the ethnic Indo-European stock according to ancestors lands of Iran, a part of Central Asia and India and some parts of the Europa. (of course skirt historical land of the two land that in some parts of the subcontinent Central Asia, Middle East and Central Asia is small discernible
About the origin Aryanisation s in Avesta old writings of it in the name Iranovij has been a few viewpoint
one of these viewpoints is "Aryanisation s in about eight thousand years ago in the south Sibria in and around Aral lake who lived with immigration to Part of the south to India and Afghanistan and a part of the Caucasus mountains to the movement that have nations of Persia crossed the mountains and around Lake Urumiah habitancy and the other side to Europe.
Other viewpoints Anatolia; Azarabadgan; Ghafghaz and The first to the origin knows them. The latest attitude in this regard, Reza Moradi Ghiasi Abadi [ 1 ] plan. Ghiasi Abadi the origins of these people present bed Gulf knows that in the freezing water and after coming up suspect free sea Waters gradually Iranian plateau and Beinonahrein enslavement to Palestine Kocz early civilizations and have it pursued amours foundation, which has left. On the basis of this viewpoint enslavement brutes northern origin Aryanisation s have been because of the freezing cold weather might not have lived in those regions

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